Category Topics

Just getting started

New to Postman? This is a safe place to ask the most beginner questions.


This is a place to find answers to your Postman questions.

Community showcase

Have something to share? The Postman community is multi-talented. We come across blog posts, tutorials, collections, and other really cool stuff all the time. If you’ve published something, bring it front and center and share it with the broader community.

📣 from the experts

Are you thinking deep thoughts about the future of modern software? This is the place to share knowledge and resources about broader development practices.

Postman news

Want to hear the latest news from Postman? We will announce new features and share new stories here. Feel free to comment on anything and let us know what you think.


Itching for some face-to-face interaction, or do you just enjoy quietly lurking in a webinar?

RFCs (Request for Comments)

RFCs from the Postman team on features that are under active development and need community input.

General Discussion

General discussions about APIs and Postman use. General Discussion is also appropriate for topics that don’t need a category, or don’t fit into any other existing category.
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